
Kaiju School Trailer
ai / Kaiju School Trailer
FutureTown, Arizona
ai / FutureTown, Arizona
Beauty of Science Series 1: Beehive
ai / Beauty of Science Series 1: Beehive
Beauty of Science Series 2: The Human Body
ai / Beauty of Science Series 2: The Human Body
Beauty of Science Series 3: Glacier
ai / Beauty of Science Series 3: Glacier


Buddy Solitaire Feature Film Trailer
films / Buddy Solitaire Feature Film Trailer
Watch Kuang’s Feature Film Buddy Solitaire on Tubi
Veronica Miller
films / Veronica Miller
Drama Reel
films / Drama Reel
films / Monster
films / Extracurricular


Kuang Lee’s love of stories that go bump in the night started in his teenage years, when he devoured Stephen King’s PET SEMATARY in one single torrid evening.

Kuang took his love of all things genre to his filmmaking career, where he was a staff director for short form thriller platform HOOKED. His latest elevated horror short, VERONICA MILLER, is currently touring film festivals, screening most recently at Cinequest, SF IndieFest, and Dances with Films. He also directed the narrative feature BUDDY SOLITAIRE.

Kuang is the founder of branding agency Satellite Films, where he directs and produces commercials for Fortune 100 companies.

Kuang also directs AI films, always inhabiting the bleeding edge of technology. 

Image: About Section


If you are interested in a new project, a fun collaboration, or a reason to get a beer, don’t hesitate to send an email.